Supporting women to embrace their own self worth through quiet reflection, connection, life cycles and to honour their bodies with restoration, yoga and rituals.


Upcoming Events


BLOOM Day Retreat

A nourishing 12 hours of intention, ritual, movement, restoration and connection with other women.

Girl Becoming

A period positive workshop for mothers and their daughters, where both will walk away feeling empowered and confident.


Feminine Space Holder

Rite of Passage Coach: Menstruation, Matrescence & Menopause.

Womb Massage, Circle Facilitator, Yoga & Embodiment Teacher.


I’m here to help you remove the guilt around putting yourself first. Finding the space for self-referral to hear your soul whispers. Allowing your nervous system to slow down in this fast paced world through mindfulness and meditation. When we remove the noise, sit with our intuition we have space to grow and hear what we really want. But we cannot do this all on our own. Connection with other women is vital, we gain strength in sisterhood and raise our vibration.

I will hold the space for you.

HI, I’m Jade. A qualified ICF Life Coach, Yoga Teacher, Womb Massage Therapist and Menstruality specialist. I also studied Food Science and Nutrition, then went on to become a Secondary School Teacher (BAS, DIPT) and mama to two beautiful children.

My mission in life is one of service. Providing education to young girls, healing women through womb connection and bringing women together to feel a sense of community, nourishing their mind and body, with the connection to breath and movement through yoga and circles.

Part of this process I believe is developing strong self-worth by finding rituals for quiet reflection to discover your inner compass.

When you gain your own self-confidence, you have this deep knowing of who you are and what you want in life.


I discovered my stillness and strength on my yoga mat after I went through Matrescence (transition to motherhood)

I was diagnosed with Post Natal Depression and Anxiety when my firstborn was one. And was quite literally forced into implementing self-care practices, yoga being one of these.

Yoga gave me confidence in myself and in my body, which at the time allowed a new sense of self-worth to filter into other areas of my life.

When my second child was born I was once again called back to the mat, but this time the calling was much more intense. I completely fell in love with the mindfulness practices, the spiritual work and connection with a community. This calling was so strong that I left my Secondary Teaching job to pursue a 200 hours Teacher Training in Vinyasa Yoga, then went onto further training in Yin Yoga and Kids Yoga.

Along the way I uncovered what my body was going through as I was trying to keep up living in the fast lane. Once I slowed everything down and focused on being a stay at home mum and Yoga Teacher, I felt more worn out and tired than ever before. Turns out that having the sympathetic nervous system always switched on under stressors and overwhelm of life, led me to discover that I have Adrenal Fatigue (very common for empaths) and Hypothyroidism.

Because of this I have dedicated my life to support women to restore their bodies and mind by activating the parasympathetic nervous system via a variety of modalities. I also provide a community for women to come and be their authentic selves and thrive.


I will give you the time and tools you need.

Rest so we can Rise.

Jade Estelle Yoga - Womens Circle - School Program - Doreen - Melbourne



Share the Dignity is a women’s charity in Australia, that works to make a real difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness, fleeing domestic violence, or doing it tough. They distribute period products to women, girls and anyone who menstruates who needs support. The charity collects hundreds of thousands of period products each year through drives and campaigns.

I am a proud supporter and volunteer my time to collect donations and directly deliver these to charities across Victoria.

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As a yoga teacher I believe in developing a strong sense of community. A space where people can come to be themselves on their mat. A safe place free of comparison and judgement also full of love and acceptance.

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Offering my signature workshops 'Girl Becoming’ and ‘Women’s Circles’. Want to learn more about these programs including other upcoming events, click below. 

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Womb Massage

A non-invasive form of massage that releases physical and emotional tension via heart - womb connection.

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“Make self-care part of our rhythm as opposed to a reward”

— Do Less

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